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中国竞彩网_新浪体育nba-直播*官网2年度 長崎大学入学式学長式辞


中国竞彩网_新浪体育nba-直播*官网2年4月2日 長崎大学入学式学長式辞

皆さん、入学おめでとう。長崎大学長の河野 茂です。昨年まで2年続けて入学式の式辞は英語で話しをしてきました。しかし、今年からは、英語ショックで国際化を意識して貰うより、皆さんに大学とは何かを解って欲しいと思い、日本語で話す決心をしました。
さて、ここで2020年から長崎大学が目指す方針を紹介します。それは「地球の健康(Planetary Health)」です。私達の住む地球は、環境問題ひとつとっても、危機的な状況にあります。その原因は、グローバルな視点からは、17才のグレタ?トゥーンベリさんが訴えている環境問題や国際紛争などの政治問題、ローカルな視点では、高齢化や人口減少、経済格差、教育問題などにあります。これらは複雑に絡み合い、直接あるいは間接的に地球の健康を冒しています。

長崎大学長 河野 茂

Entrance Ceremony Speech by the President of Nagasaki University (on April 2, 2020)

Congratulations on your matriculation, and welcome to Nagasaki University. I am the university president, Shigeru Kohno. For the past two matriculation ceremonies, I made my speech in English to draw your attention to the importance of international-mindedness. However, this year, I have opted for a Japanese speech in the hope of getting across to you what a university is.
The new coronavirus pandemic has made things rather tense this year as we gather for this ceremony, but I nonetheless wish to express my heartfelt congratulations to new students, and also to your families and mentors who have cared for and nurtured you, and were with you throughout your progress.
The university you have chosen has very distinctive geographical and historical features. The word “Nagasaki” is often associated with exoticism in the Japanese consciousness because of Nagasaki’s history as a gateway for modern goods and ideas from the West during the late Edo and early Meiji eras. Nagasaki has played a central role in the country’s international interactions since premodern times because it is the Japanese port closest to Eurasia. The word “Nagasaki,” is also known to most  people outside of Japan because of its atomic bombing, which has made Nagasaki University the world’s only university to undergo such an experience.
I wonder if many of you knew that in Japan, universities are the only type of educational institution where an instructor is not required to have a teacher’s license. A primary or secondary school teacher in this country invariably has a teacher’s license, which they are required to renew every ten years by going through a dedicated training course. Please try to think of a reason for this, because herein lies the major difference between university education and the education you have received up to high school.
Universities do not use textbooks, either. Up to now, you must have read and understood textbooks containing “correct,” unambiguous answers, which you memorized and replicated when taking exams. Textbooks in this sense do not exist at universities. At best they serve as reference books. Surviving real life as an adult would be difficult by learning and memorizing fixed knowledge alone unless you constantly seek out fresh information, and process the information through your own head. University is a place for learning not just knowledge but also the ability to proactively seek a problem, gather information for solving that problem, sift through the information, and make informed choices.
Some of you have opted for departments of study that are not practical in real life unless you pass required national exams in addition to obtaining your undergraduate degrees. This is why universities set down clear educational goals, have coherent curriculums and educational systems for achieving the goals, and offer courses as described in the syllabus. Students are required to decide and plan what they will study, and review later whether they have achieved their plans and goals. This change from the fixed school timetable can be perplexing at first. Achieving an easily predictable goal, however, does not amount to genuine self-growth. Your goal might change half way through your study program. Thinking with your own head can give rise to new questions and dead-end. Universities are where you choose for yourself what you study. It is a place for learning discernment; a place for rehearsing the skills and abilities required in real life; and at the same time, also a place for exploring truths that have little to do with real-life situations. This sense of detachment from real life—though often singled out by those who criticize universities for not being career-oriented enough—is a crucial aspect of universities. There is no opportunity for growth or discovery at a university which refuses to encourage research into the unexplored parts of science and society. Universities occupy a “privileged” space within society. Universities are not for elucidation but for achieving self-growth by placing yourselves in situations that may cause temporary doubt, give rise to new problems, or cause you to question yourself from a new light.
No two lives are the same. Because we all lead different lives, there is no such thing as a piece of knowledge that applies to all situations by all people. Shortcuts and easy know-hows simply do not exist. Every person needs the ability to gather information and make decisions independently, which is what university study is designed to develop.
Let me return to why university instructors aren’t required to have licenses. As I have explained at length, university is not a place where professionals demonstrate their knowledge and experiences to students who lack them. Circumstances are always different between the times lived by the university instructors, and the times current students spend as professionals. What you will encounter in life will be completely different from what we have encountered. Instead of acquiring knowledge, you will need to acquire methods of thinking and methods of discerning that will prove useful no matter where you work. University instructors are in fact scholars—people who train themselves in these methods, constantly refining them through trial and error. Something we don’t know makes us want to find out more; and something we can’t do makes us want to devise a way of doing it. Learning begins only when we become aware of something we lack, and desire to fill it. The first step of university education, therefore, is to make students aware of their own inabilities.
What you will learn at university will not necessarily be immediately useful. The goals of university education are set at a totally different level from primary or secondary education, which you might have found useful. One of the goals is to equip yourself with the dynamic process of “thinking.”
Students often complain that they cannot see the point of what their instructors are discussing; that there is seemingly no conclusion to their arguments; and that they want the “correct” answer. Such frustration is often rooted not in just incomprehension but in discrepancies between university-level and secondary-level discussions. If you are new to university, perhaps you have never been asked to consider questions that have no clear-cut answers. Universities are tasked with providing the education for guiding students out of closed-end thinking, and the learning you are about to commence is designed to help you make the transition from obsession with test preparation  to real-life thinking.
Let me share with you a new goal that Nagasaki University has adopted effective as of 2020. Our new goal is “Planetary Health.” Our planet Earth—not least its environment—is in critical danger. The causes of this crisis from a global perspective are environmental, as seventeen-year-old Ms. Greta Thunberg has been at pains to point out, and political, such as international disputes. Local causes on the other hand include population aging, population decline, economic inequality, and issues to do with education. Tangled combinations of these causes are directly and indirectly harming the Earth’s health.
Nagasaki University’s ten undergraduate schools and faculties, and seven graduate schools are poised to upgrade their activities for the achievement of planetary health. The university is aiming to make more advanced services to education, research, and society toward planetary health—a notion that addresses the well-being of the whole planet as opposed to global health, which is more concerned with human health on a global scale. If the health of the Earth is further compromised, human existence will be at stake. I am determined to fully commit myself to the education and research for battling this crisis in partnership with people of your generation. I hope that those of you who study here will join us in our efforts to produce innovations that help society develop sustainably, in harmony with nature on the earth.
Finally, let me assure you that 2020 will at least be an unforgettable year. This is a year that a new type of coronavirus pandemic caused international havoc in the world, and the delay of the Summer Olympics games brought mixed feelings for people in the world. You are quite right to be worried, but Nagasaki University is looking forward to welcoming you and your exuberance, and is as ready as ever to provide the best environment for you to stretch your possibilities and spend the most rewarding student life possible. I offer my best wishes to all of you making a fresh start toward achieving your dreams, for yourselves, your families, and your friends.
Congratulations again on your matriculation.

Shigeru Kohno
President of Nagasaki University