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中国竞彩网_新浪体育nba-直播*官网4年 秋季学位記授与式学長告辞 (2022年9月16日)



   昔、我々の頃は、博士は、足の裏の米粒と、言われました。わかりますか、この意味? 足の裏の米粒は、取っても取らなくても、変わりがない~、つまり、博士号を取得しても役に立たないという自虐的な言葉です。確かに、生活面では、変わりません。皆さんが、急に周りから尊敬されたり、お金が入り裕福になったりすることはないでしょう。しかしながら、本学の修士、博士であることは、これから時代、人生に大きな影響があると思います。

   本日、60名の方が長崎大学から修士および博士の学位を授与されました。うち、 37名が留学生です。コロナ禍の中、学びと研究を継続し、今日の日を迎えられた皆様の強い意思と努力、実行力に敬意を表します。人生の中で、大きな勲章となったと思います。

   さて、最後に、私は皆さんにひとつの問いをします。君たちの学生時代のラスト?クエッションです。今すぐに答える必要はありません。一生涯かけて考えください。私の問いは、<長崎大学での学びは何であったのか? また、それを今後皆さんの将来のためにどう使おうとしているのか?> 

長崎大学長 河野 茂

Nagasaki University Fall Diploma Conferral Ceremony (September 16, 2022)

   Congratulations on your successful completion of your master’s and doctoral degree programs. I am delighted to be celebrating this occasion with the graduate school deans and members of the faculty and staff present today. My heartfelt congratulations also go to the families and friends joining us here, who have supported our graduates in their journeys.
   From today, you hold the title of Master or Doctor. And not just that, but you have earned this title from one of Japan’s national universities. Perhaps you will be considered an expert by others. You might think you still have a long way to go in your field of study; nevertheless, you will be recognized by the international community and society as an intellectual with an advanced level of education. Have confidence in yourself because you have achieved something you can be truly proud of.

   In my student days, we used to say, self-mockingly, that a Ph.D. was useless, likening it to a grain of rice stuck to the sole of your shoe, in the sense that neither would make any difference whether it was there or not. True, a postgraduate degree will not transform your daily life. You will not win the respect of everyone around you overnight, or become wealthy by earning more money. However, a postgraduate degree from this university will have a significant impact on your life in times to come.

   Times Higher Education (THE), a British education magazine devoted to data analysis and information relating to higher education, annually publishes the “World University Rankings.” As those of you from overseas are well aware, the world has a huge number of higher education institutions—almost 23,000 from what I have read. By country, Japan appears to have the second largest number of high-ranking universities. Nationally, our university ranks 30th out of 273 universities in the academic year 2022.
   Globally, this university ranks somewhere between #1001 and #1200—in other words, within the world’s top five percent. The methodology of such rankings is debated every year, so I do not believe we should be overly concerned about our actual rank.
   The point I am trying to make is that we now live in a world where international reputation affects us on a daily basis. I want you to be aware that we live in a time when the university you attended, what you studied, and what qualifications you have obtained will be subject to international scrutiny.
   Postgraduate degrees from Japanese national universities are highly regarded wherever in the world you go, and whatever your level of English fluency is. You will most likely enjoy public esteem and full respect as a researcher. This is no doubt because many Japanese national universities rank among the top five percent of the world’s numerous institutions of learning. Your master’s or doctoral degree is a significant medal you can wear with confidence—not something as insignificant as a grain of rice on the sole of your shoe!
   Today, 60 of you have received master’s or doctoral degrees from Nagasaki University, of whom 37 of you hail from overseas. I strongly admire your strong will, hard work, and energy to continue your studies and research despite the COVID-19 crisis, which led you where you are today. I’m sure the accomplishment will remain a major badge of honor for you, a landmark achievement in your life.
   Now finally, I have a question for you—the last one before you graduate. You don’t have to answer it immediately. In fact, you have your entire lifetime to consider the answer. My question is, “What did you learn at Nagasaki University, and how do you intend to use it in your future?”

   I compared a master’s or doctoral degree to a badge of honor. Medals, however, are for honoring past achievements—your efforts to date. In an age of centenarians, many of you will likely live another 70 or 80 years. Making the most of your years requires you to constantly ask yourself what you have learned; keep your principles and goals in clear view; and question how you spend your life. To give you an example, I set myself the task of learning in every field of study if it is relevant to the university slogan, “Planetary Health.” It is extremely meaningful, I believe, to have clear principles and goals to guide you throughout your life.
   Those of you receiving your degrees today are part of a blessed few. People all over the world are unable to access higher education for economic, geopolitical or other reasons. You have been fortunate, which gives you not a reason to be smug but a responsibility to give back to society what you have learned. You have the responsibility to continue to learn for others and for the Earth. Setting ambitious goals and studying and working toward your dreams will help not just yourself but many others in dire situations. No matter how many times you fail, your efforts will ultimately be rewarded if you continue to work at your goal. Your entire life is ceaseless process of learning, an endless series of challenges to be dealt with.
   Nagasaki University will remain committed to Planetary Health, calling up all the wisdom of its undergraduate faculties and graduate schools. As professionals and academics in these tumultuous and uncertain times, I hope that you too will employ the scientific fruits of your time here to boldly and fearlessly rise to the challenges threatening this planet. I also expect you to use the social networks available to you as Nagasaki University alumni.
   Today, you will set sail from your alma mater, your home port. Hoist your sails high like our university logo. From now on, you—and no one else—are the captain of your ship. Embark on your voyage with confidence. I wish to close my speech by praying for the safety of your journey and success in your endeavors and by congratulating you once again on your commencement.

KOHNO Shigeru
President of Nagasaki University