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中国竞彩网_新浪体育nba-直播*官网四年度 長崎大学学長卒業式告辞(中国竞彩网_新浪体育nba-直播*官网5年3月24日)



 1番の歌詞では、<鶴の港に 今集う>とあります。ここにいる多くの皆さんは、4年前、年号が平成から中国竞彩网_新浪体育nba-直播*官网になった春、希望を抱き、鶴の港と呼ばれる長崎に集いました。多くの人がまだ10代でした。皆さんは、すでに遠い昔のように感じているかもしれません。
 2番の歌詞には、<古きを伝え 習いきて>とあります。これは、先輩から伝統を引き継ぐことです。覚えているでしょうか。皆さんが2年生になった春、鶴の港では、大型クルーズ船コスタ?アトランチカ号での集団感染が勃発し、長崎は一種のパニック状況に陥りました。大学が閉鎖され、オンライン授業となり、皆さんは、同級生、先輩や先生方と対面での交流ができなくなりました。その中でも、長崎大学の<古き伝え>がしっかりと受け継がれ、皆さんは先生方と協力し、あの困難を乗り切りました。
 3年生の夏。覚えていますか。東京オリンピックが開催されました。賛否両論の中で開催されたオリンピックで、アスリートが必死で頑張る姿に我々は感動しました。実は、学歌の3番の歌詞では、<真理の道を 照らしゆく>とあります。まさに、正しい道とは何か、自分の進むべき道とはどこになるのかを、3年生の君たちは、オリンピックを見ながら考えたはずです。

<平和の鐘は こだまして 明日の栄えを 高らかに>

プラネタリーヘルスとは、世界の平和が基礎にあり、地球全体が共生し栄えてゆくコンセプトです。まさに、この歌詞そのものなのです。作詞した平尾 勇先生は、その意図がなかったと思いますが、学歌とプラネタリーヘルス宣言が今まさに連動しようとしています。

長崎大学学長 河野 茂

Congratulatory Address by the President of Nagasaki University at the Commencement Ceremony on March 24, 2023

On behalf of all faculty, staff, and current students, I offer my heartfelt congratulations to all of you who have completed your undergraduate or graduate studies at Nagasaki University in the 2022 academic year. I would also like to express my sincere appreciation and congratulations to your families who have supported you along the way.

This is the first commencement ceremony held in four years with the physical presence of all graduates. I am delighted to see all of you celebrating together on your last day at Nagasaki University. It could be said that today is the first day of our new normal.

Nagasaki University has an alma mater song, which had long been sung at entrance and commencement ceremonies. However, it has not been sung for the past three years. Please take a look at the lyrics on the paper we have handed out. The song has four verses, and my interpretation is that each verse represents one of the four academic years.

The first verse includes the line, “We are now gathering around the ‘Crane Port’.” Four years ago, in the spring of 2019, when the Japanese era name changed from Heisei to Reiwa, many of you came to Nagasaki University, which is close to the “Crane Port,” a nickname for the port of Nagasaki. Many of you were under 20. It may feel like a long time ago.

The second verse includes the phrase, “We learn from traditions,” which means inheriting traditions from our predecessors. Do you remember that the city of Nagasaki was in a panic in the spring when you were in your second year at the university? The large cruise ship, the Costa Atlantica, which was docked at the port of Nagasaki, was hit by a cluster of infections. With the university shut down and classes switched online, you were no longer able to interact face-to-face with your classmates, senior students, and faculty members. Despite those circumstances, our traditions were steadily passed down within the university community, and you worked together with our faculty members to overcome the difficulties.

Do you also remember the summer in your third year when the Tokyo Olympics were held? Although the Olympics were held amidst controversy, we were impressed to see the athletes doing their best to win. The third verse includes the line, “We will illuminate the path of truth.” In your third year, you must have thought about what the right path is and which route you should take while watching the Olympic Games.

In your fourth year, last year, most classes, including seminars and practical training sessions, switched back to face-to-face. You must have been busy with job hunting and writing your graduation thesis. During the COVID-19 pandemic, you all did a great job as members of Nagasaki University, staying positive and not losing your enthusiasm.

Now you are about to embark on a journey to a new world. With a backpack full of big hopes and dreams, you are ready to go mountain climbing. I love mountains and climb them with maps and mountain climbing apps on my smartphone. However, I sometimes get lost. If I can find someone to ask for directions, there is no problem, but if I cannot find anyone, I feel very anxious.

The path ahead of you will not be easy. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine war and other challenges, the future is uncertain. You may need to venture into unknown territory without a map or GPS. You may need the courage to plunge into the unknown. What should you do in such a situation? First, observe your surroundings and set a big goal. Then, watch your step. If you only look at a big distant target, you may stumble and fall. So, you should always mind your step. Finally, use your senses. You should keep your five senses sharp, be honest with yourself, and walk step by step, calmly analyzing and ruminating over what you feel.

Life is long. One in seven people in your generation is expected to live to 100 years old. So, I am sure that you will experience many failures—not just one or two—but that is okay. As long as you keep trying without giving in to despair, you will find a way. The ability to keep trying will become a useful weapon and will make you stronger.

You may also question your path. The principle of mountain climbing is that when you find yourself lost, you go back the way you came. So, when you get lost or stumble in your life, you should go back to the starting point and learn all over again. Coming back to your alma mater to learn again is one of your options. Your life from now on will not be a straight path. It can go left or right, up or down, and even back to the starting point. You should try to think flexibly.

Now, back to the alma mater song. Please look at the lyrics again. The fourth verse includes the line, “The bells of peace peal out in a high tone to celebrate tomorrow’s prosperity.” Three years ago, I declared that Nagasaki University would contribute to planetary health. Planetary health is a concept based on world peace that ensures all life on earth lives and flourishes in harmony. This line of the song perfectly fits this concept, although I do not think Mr. Isamu Hirao, who wrote the lyrics, intended it that way.

Now that you have completed your studies here, you are ready to move toward the next big mountain. We are all alumni and continue to be members of the Nagasaki University community, regardless of former mentor-student relationships. Both when you get lost in your life and when you live happily, remember the port of Nagasaki, the mountains, the sky and the townscapes, and move powerfully toward the next mountain with a global perspective. On behalf of Nagasaki University, I wish you all the best on your journey. Thank you for studying at Nagasaki University and congratulations again on the successful completion of your studies.

KOHNO Shigeru
President of Nagasaki University